Context and Definition

HTML, HypertextMarkup Language is a language that allows us to write hypertext in order to dispaly web pages

There for it's the crucial step web site creation processus: it's a structured language that describes a document with tags

Tags are surrounded values of 2 characters <et> which establish the semantic content of data

Languages Goals
HyperText Markup Language Page structure
Cascading Style Sheet Page style with ineritance principle
JavaScript Interaction: behavior


Putting text insinde h1 until h6 title tags allow as to control title sizes, it decreases

we can add picture using img tag with his scr (image's URL) and alt(alternative for accessibility) attributes

couple de canard colvert

We can link any element with <a href="URL">element to link<a>

For instance, this image: link

We can draw table like above

  • Avoid using id for classes attribute: id is usefull for unique element like logo (you have insert a # before in the css file), or when you writing with JavaScript
  • Privilege p tag then br's one
  • Nota Bene:
    1. Let style to professionals, I mean external CSS files
    2. Great html foundation ensures awesome site web


  • Meta data processes
  • Tags: Doctype, html, head (title, metacharset and links) and body

  • Inside the body tag
  • Elements tags (header, nav, footer, h, p, ul, ol, li, a, img,etc.)